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HR Puls
Dyk ned i hjertet af Human Resources med HR Pulse, en eksklusiv webinarrække designet til HR-fagfolk.
Hver session er en fokuseret udforskning af nøgleemner inden for HR: fra banebrydende tilgange til personlighedsanalyser og AI i rekruttering til at mestre teamudvikling og forstå kompleksiteten i arbejdspladsens personligheder.
Perfekt til: HR-professionelle, teamledere, talent acquisition-specialister og organisationsudviklingskonsulenter.
Løft din HR-ekspertise med sessioner, der er informative, interaktive og essentielle for din professionelle udvikling.
Vær opmærksom på at webinarene er fremført på engelsk
HR Pulse - AI Impact on HR
This Webinar dives into the complexity of AI´s impact one HR. More specifically it highlights the Key HR domains impacted by AI and presents the top considerations when using AI in HR
HR pulse - Why Leadership Development is Broken – and how to fix it
This episode of HR Pulse is centered around Why Leadership Development is Broken – and how we fix it.
HR Pulse - Unleash the power of motivation and Drive
For this edition of HR Pulse we have the pleasure of interviewing Warren Kennaugh. Warren has done more than 3.000 Hogan Feedbacks and is a part of the Global Hogan Coaching Network. In 2016 he published the book “Fit – When talent and intelligence just won’t cut it”.
HR pulse - Leader Effectiveness vs Emergence
This episode of HR Pulse is centered around Leader Effectiveness vs Emergence.
HR pulse - Deciphering the dark side
This episode of HR Pulse is centered around Deciphering the dark side
HR pulse -Strategic wellbeing
This edition of HR Pulse revolves around strategic wellbeing
HR pulse - The Science of Personality: Why it matters!
This edition of HR Pulse revolves around The Science of Personality and Why it matters!