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Conversational Leadership
A Conversational Leadership workshop can consist of multiple topics
Our Conversational Leadership workshop is tailored to address precisely the challenges you face in your daily leadership role.
We understand that there can be a gap between theory and practice. That is why we have designed our workshop to focus on specific skills and behaviours that will make a difference in your leadership style. Our approach is flexible, hands-on, and concrete.
The Development Conversation
Why is the conversation important?
As a leader, it is your responsibility to ensure a good match between the company’s development and the development your employees want to engage in. This requires that you to show a genuine interest in your employees’ motivation and needs, and make an effort to understand them. Development conversations are therefore about understanding the company’s needs and, based on that, listening and asking questions to understand how the employee’s development can be best aligned with the results you, as a leader, are tasked with achieving. Development conversations can easily become superficial and not create any particular value. It is a conversation that requires a great deal of psychological insight and training if it is to make a difference.
Training outcome:
- Design and structuring of a development conversation programme
- Questioning techniques that can initiate another person's development
- Awareness of personal strengths and weaknesses in development conversations
- Practice in dialogue tools that foster motivation and engagement
- Conducting development conversations that unlock the potential of each employee, foster accountability, and contribute to a greater sense of purpose and influence in the work

The Feedback Conversation
Why is the conversation important?
Feedback is a conversation about how we perceive others’ task performance and behaviour. It is a type of conversation that is crucial for the development of task solutions, competencies, and teamwork skills. Nevertheless, it is a conversation style that most people agree they use too little – often because it can be both personal and vulnerable to express or receive comments about behaviour. However, feedback is a skill that, with the right training, can be perceived as less intimidating and instead contribute to keeping employees’ efforts on the right track. It is a discipline that requires training if it is to be delivered in a way that strengthens both the recipient and the working relationship.
Training outcomes:
- Tools for providing effective feedback
- Tools for introducing feedback as a method in the team/department/work community
- Understanding one's own and others' reactions to the feedback conversation
- Conducting feedback conversations that enhance task performance, collaboration, and foster a work culture of trust, curiosity, and learning
The Behaviour-Correcting Conversation
Why is the conversation important?
Many leaders wait too long to take action when an employee exhibits behaviour that is undesirable or unacceptable. There are many valid reasons why this can be challenging, but more often than not, it’s best to act as soon as the problem is recognised. Whether it involves conflict-ridden collaboration, inappropriate communication, underperformance, offensive behaviour, or something else, it’s essential as a leader to intervene promptly – and in a way that ensures that the message is understood and corrective action is possible. Effective corrective conversations are crucial to ensure clarity about direction and boundaries, a positive team atmosphere, and progress in the organisation.
Training outcomes:
- Greater readiness to engage in the difficult conversations that are necessary
- Increased confidence and comfort before conducting real-life corrective conversations
- Enhanced insight into what makes conversations challenging for you personally
- Concrete tools for conducting the conversations