Moving Leaders to Move Businesses
Good leadership is the single most important competitive advantage for businesses and organisations
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Udvikling af det personlige lederskab – refleksioner og værktøjer
Godt lederskab er en kompleks disciplin, der stiller væsentlige krav til lederens evne til at tilpasse sin ledelse til mange forskellige situationer, som “kalder på” meget forskellige adfærdsmønstre – adfærd som kan falde lederen mere eller mindre naturligt.

Development of Personal Leadership – Reflections and Tools
Good leadership is a complex discipline that places significant demands on a leader’s ability to adapt their leadership style to a wide range of situations, each requiring very different behavioural patterns – some of which may come more naturally to the leader than others.

Top Trends in Personality Assessment in 2025
Which talent challenges inform how the most effective organizations will use personality assessment for people decisions in 2025? Learn more.
Our services
We develop leaders and organisations
We offer customer-focused, evidence-based services that enable organisations to select the right people, develop leadership and key talent, build better teams, and enhance organisational performance. We transform organisations and leaders through leadership development and Hogan Assessment expertise.
For almost 25 years, we’ve strengthened organisations by empowering their people
of Fortune 500 trusts
Hogan Assessments
Leaders graduated one of our 6+ month leadership programmes
avg. Personality assessments provided each month
Hogan Assessments
Validation studies
We are dedicated to improving our clients’ performance
Our team of business psychologists, consultants, executive coaches and business leaders have the deep knowledge and expertise to help you and your organisation reach your goals.