Which Personality Traits Characterise a Leader in the Nordic Region?

It has been speculated about for years what kind of differences there are between leaders from different countries and cultures. Are there even differences based on regions or are the differences based on something else?

We have analysed Hogan Assessments data from more than 7,000 leaders from Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland against the global database of more than 80,000 leaders and we can now say for sure – YES. Leaders in the Nordic countries do have personality characteristics in common that differ from the rest of the world – and some of them even significantly.

So, who are Nordic leaders?

Some personality traits that really stand out are that Nordic leaders are more ambitious and sociable – they want more and are seen as more goal-oriented combined with being good at reading how others are feeling, and they are perceived as being more friendly.

There are also differences within the Nordic countries. Just to name a few: Swedish leaders are better at handling pressure. Danish leaders have a pattern of higher extraversion. Norwegian leaders value tradition more. And the Finnish leaders are the least cautious.

The study has been picked up by business media Børsen and Vigeur who have written articles about the Danish leaders. You can read more here:



If you would like to hear more about the study, then let’s talk.

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