Identificer og ansæt de rigtige personer ved hjælp af en forskningsbaseret tilgang

Vi hjælper organisationer med at identificere og ansætte de rigtige mennesker, der vil udmærke sig i de roller, du skal udfylde, uanset om det er på begynderniveau eller til topledelse, ved hjælp af en forskningsbaseret tilgang.

Vi baserer vores udvælgelsesassistance proces på de tre centrale personlighedsassessments af Hogan Assessments (HPI, HDS, MVPI), det mest validerede assessment system på markedet, og administrerer ofte andre validerede kognitive og forretningsmæssige ræsonnement assessments, såsom RAVEN’S APM og Hogan’s HBRI for en komplet vurdering.


Gennem en strømlinet proces hjælper vi virksomheder med at nøje analysere og beskrive kandidaters egnethed til specifikke roller og giver valideret indsigt i motivationsdrift, styrker, sociale evner, sandsynlige præstationsniveauer og vigtige udviklingsområder. Alt sammen information, der understøtter beslutninger om, hvilke personer der bedst opfylder organisatoriske krav og matchmaking, som har vist sig at reducere personaleudskiftning betydeligt, samtidig med at engagementet og produktiviteten øges.

We offer a broad range of assessment solutions, from personality and motivation assessments, to cognitive & business reasoning assessments, to competency-based assessments.

Assessment Solutions

We offer a broad range of assessment solutions, from personality and motivation assessments, to cognitive & business reasoning assessments, to competency-based assessments.


Hogan’s range of products uses the science of personality to improve workplace performance and, evaluate all facets of personality: the bright side, the dark side, and the inside.

Reporting Options

As an official distributor of Hogan Assessments, we offer a large assortment of off-the-shelf report options based on Hogan’s assessment portfolio, which targets a wide variety of specific business needs and organisational levels.

Certification and Training

We facilitate certification workshops in Scandinavia and Benelux and can support access to custom or global certification programs in order to equip organisations to leverage Hogan’s powerful assessment tools.

Selection Assistance

We help organisations identify and hire the right people who will excel in the roles needed to fill (from internal talent or new talent) using a research-based approach.

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