Hem » Hogan Assessments » Urvalsassistans
Identify and hire the right people using a research-based approach
We help organisations identify and hire the right people who will excel in the roles you need to fill, whether entry-level or for senior management, using a research-based approach.
We base our selection assistance process on the three core personality assessments of Hogan Assessments (HPI, HDS, MVPI), the most validated assessment system in the market, and frequently administer other validated cognitive and business reasoning assessments, such as RAVEN’S APM and Hogan’s HBRI for a complete assessment.
Selection Assistance
We offer a broad range of assessment solutions, from personality and motivation assessments, to cognitive & business reasoning assessments, to competency-based assessments.
Assessment Solutions
Reporting Options
Certification and Training
Selection Assistance
We help organisations identify and hire the right people who will excel in the roles needed to fill (from internal talent or new talent) using a research-based approach.